The Department of Biology is the hub of research and teaching related to living systems and environments, and how knowledge contributes to advances in environmental and medical biotechnology.
With undergraduate specializations in Environmental Science, Physiology, Psychology, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Molecular Biology and Genetics, the Department offers students the ability to prepare for careers in scientific research, industry, and the public sector.
The curriculum, taught by award-winning faculty, helps to ensure that the undergraduate programs provide a stimulating experience in many areas of Biology.

Areas of Research
Bioinformatics & Functional Genomics
Ecology and Evolution

Environmental Physiology

Genetics & Molecular Biology

Cell & Development Biology
Microbiology & Plant Biology
Level 2 Programs
Familiarize yourself with some of the Level 2 Programs offered by the Department of Biology.

Honours Neuroscience

Virtually tour the following state-of-the-art labs and facilities of the Department of Biology.