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Office of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies

McMaster Academic Planner (MAP) - Faculty of Science

Interdisciplinary Science


The School of Interdisciplinary Science brings together three unique, interdisciplinary programs: Honours Integrated Science (iSci), Honours Life Sciences, and Medical Radiation Sciences.

At the School, we focus on fostering exploration and discovery while emphasizing experiential, collaborative and student-centred learning.

We welcome faculty members and staff from different disciplines and backgrounds, creating a unique, supportive learning environment. The School strives to be a national and international centre for interdisciplinary science education, and an incubator for ways to enhance student learning and help students reach their full potential.

Areas of Research

Teaching Innovation

Our programs offer innovative ways of teaching in the undergraduate classroom that include course-embedded science literacy, research, community engagement, and experiential learning.

Science Communication

Communication is a critical part of the scientific process. The landscape of science communication is changing, and scientists and science communicators face new challenges in reaching and engaging varied audiences. Our faculty pursue research aimed at understanding these challenges.

Community Engagement

SIS-led community engagement projects are designed with thoughtful collaboration among students, faculty, and community partners. Each project aims to generate learning and teaching environments so that everyone takes on the role of teacher and learner to ensure reciprocal impact.

Level 2 Programs

Familiarize yourself with some of the Level 2 Programs offered by the School of Interdisciplinary Science.


Honours Life Sciences

Origins of Disease Specialization


Virtually Tour the following state-of-the-art labs and facilities of the School of Interdisciplinary Science.


Medical Radiation Science Lab

Institute for Applied Heath Sciences Building


Integrated Science Lab

General Science Building


Living Systems Lab

A.N. Bourns Science Building

Virtual 360 Video